Alphabetical Listing of Distinguished Graduates

Sandra Askew (Rady)

Mildred Artley

Catherine Atkins (Stull)

Juan Atkins

Mildred Baker

Robert Baker

Harold Belanger

Loren N. Bennett

Dr. Eugene E. Bleil

Greg Brinkerhoff

Randy Brown

Keith Bruder

Jack Randall Budd

William Budd

Bettina Caldwell

Nancy Ann Ridley Cash

Edna Genevieve Clark

Linda Clayton

Frank Cody

Jeffery D. Collins

Gregory Cooper

Richard L. Cunningham

Peggy Curtis (Shoemaker)

Dr. S. John Dackawich

Dale A. Davis

Eileen DeHart (Johnson)

Jill Devers

Robert Doane

Fred Dunayczan

Samuel I. Durham, Jr.

Paul Dygert

Dr. Prince J. Eubanks

Dr. Gerard Evanski, Ph. D.

Robert Evanski

Thomas Fielder

Reva Fischer (Ruthruff)

Sandra Lee Fulton-Love

William Gage

Michael Q. Garland

Reginald Grantham

Elaine Gutierrez (Giblin)

Lynn K. Halton

R. Lynne Hamilton

Jay Hartford

Kae Hartford

Alesia Hermosillo

Victor Hogan

Cathy Horste (Stromme)

Bernard Hovey

Dr. Arthur Joslin

Tim Katona

Catherine Krebs

Rick LaPensee

Christopher A. Liedel

Jeffrey D. Liedel

Jack Loria

Rosemary Loria

Darlene Loyer Gerick

Gerald Lukomski

Dr. Leilah Blakeney Lyons (Toth)

Myra MacPherson

Alan Maki

Dale Maki

Tim Marsh

Frederick Martin

Patrick McClelland

Timothy McClelland

Richard McQuaid

David Medley

Karen Mida (Skszek)

Barbara Jean Mitchell

Jean Morris

Christine Murphy

Pamela O’Neill

Rosemary Otzman (Kuchta)

Richard Pokerwinski

Dr. Tami Remington (Harkai), Pharm. D.

Karen Reynolds (Renton)

Herbert Robb

Frank Rochowiak

Joyce Rochowiak

Walter Rochowiak

Gertrude Roddick (Evanski)

John Rouster

Paul Ryznar

Kevin Saunderson

James Sayre

Harold Sherman

Glenn Silvenis

Gayle Simons

Keith Simons

Charles Smelt

Dr. Kimiko Snider, M.D.

Dr. Susan Clark Studer, Ph. D.

Alan (Skip) Summer

Larry Tabor

Robert Thorne

Harry Traskos

Jane Vesche

Samuel M. Villa

Ena L. Weathers

Katherine L. Weathers

James L. Wertz

Harlan D. Whichello

William E. Wolters

Lois Zilka (Mida)


The Distinguished Graduate Award is an annual award that recognizes former BHS graduates.

The graduation year of those recognized must be ten or more years prior to the current year of graduation.

If you would like to nominate someone for the Distinguished Graduate Award, please fill out the Distinguished Graduate Nomination Form by January 31st and return it to

Belleville High School 
501 West Columbia Avenue 
Belleville, MI 48111

To learn more about each inductee click on their name for a short biography. 

2023-2024 INDUCTEES

Dr. Arthur Joslin
Class of 1981

Darlene Loyer Gerick
Class of 1985

Frederick Martin
Class of 2005

Harry Traskos
Class of 1971

2022-2023 INDUCTEES

Juan Atkins
Class of 1980

Linda Clayton
Class of 1971

Elaine Gutierrez (Giblin)
Class of 1963

Kevin Saunderson
Class of 1982

2019-2020 INDUCTEES

Bettina Caldwell
Class of 1938

Walter & Joyce Rochowiak
Class of 1963

Katherine L. Weathers
Class of 1982

Special Posthumous Award
Alan (Skip) Summer
Class of 1968

2018-2019 INDUCTEES

Gerald Lukomski 
Class of 1954

Gertrude Roddick (Evanski)
Class of 1969

Charles Smelt
Class of 1979

Special Posthumous Award
Keith Simons
Class of 1972

2017-2018 INDUCTEES

Timothy Katona
Class of 1973

Jack & Rosemary Loria
Class of 1964 & Class of 1966 

Lois Zilka (Mida)
Class of 1954

Special Posthumous Award
James Sayre
Class of 1946

2016-2017 INDUCTEES

Jill Devers
Class of 1982

Bernard Hovey
Class of 1965

Myra MacPherson
Class of 1952

Special Posthumous Award
William Budd 
Class of 1960

2015-2016 INDUCTEES

Victor Hogan
Class of 1963

Paul Ryznar
Class of 1979

Special Posthumous Award
Reva Fischer (Ruthruff)
Class of 1907

2014-2015 INDUCTEES

Eugene E. Bleil, M.D.
Class of 1938

Frank Rochowiak
Class of 1957

Special Posthumous Award
Harold Belanger
Class of 1969

2013-2014 INDUCTEES

Dr. Leilah Blakeney Lyons (Toth)
Class of 1994

Jean Morris
Class of 1948

Pamela O’Neill
Class of 1982

Special Posthumous Award
Catherine Krebs
Class of 1917

2012-2013 INDUCTEES

Lynn K. Halton
Class of 1981

Richard McQuaid
Class of 1975

Karen Mida (Skszek)
Class of 1971

Special Posthumous Award
Fred Dunayczan
Class of 1960

2011-2012 INDUCTEES

Alesia Hermosillo
Class of 1978

Tim Marsh
Class of 1979

David Medley
Class of 1967

Special Posthumous Award
Karen Reynolds (Renton)
Class of 1987

2010-2011 INDUCTEES

Gregory Cooper
Class of 1980

Reginald Grantham
Class of 1982

Special Posthumous Award
William Gage
Class of 1978

2009-2010 INDUCTEES

2008-2009 INDUCTEES

Peggy Curtis (Shoemaker)
Class of 1973

Dr. Gerard Evanski, Ph. D. 
Class of 1981

Jeffrey D. Liedel
Class of 1973

Special Posthumous Award
Samuel M. Villa
Class of 1963

2007-2008 INDUCTEES

Catherine Atkins (Stull)
Class of 1958

Thomas Fielder
Class of 1964

Michael Q. Garland
Class of 1972

Special Posthumous Award
Rick LaPensee
Class of 1977

2006-2007 INDUCTEES

Keith Bruder  
Class of 1965

Jane Vesche 
Class of 1965

Special Posthumous Award
R. Lynne Hamilton
Class of 1947

2005-2006 INDUCTEES

Richard Pokerwinski 
Class of 1964

Glenn Silvenis 
Class of 1966

Special Posthumous Award
Barbara Jean Mitchell
Class of 1955

2004-2005 INDUCTEES

Mildred Baker
Class of 1944

Paul Dygert
Class of 1950

Larry Tabor
Class of 1962

2003-2004 INDUCTEES

Jeffery D. Collins
Class of 1981

Richard L. Cunningham
Class of 1964

Dale A. Davis
Class of 1950

Special Posthumous Award
Nancy Ann Ridley Cash
Class of 1943

2002-2003 INDUCTEES

Robert Evanski  
Class of 1943

Sandra Lee Fulton-Love 
Class of 1963

Special Posthumous Award
Robert Doane
Class of 1952

2001-2002 INDUCTEES

Jay & Kae Hartford  
Class of 1966 & Class of 1968

Dale Maki
Class of 1969

Harold Sherman 
Class of 1942

Dr. Kimiko Snider, M.D.
Class of 1982

Special Posthumous Award
Jack Randall Budd
Class of 1932

2000-2001 INDUCTEES

Robert Baker  
Class of 1943

Alan Maki 
Class of 1968

Patrick McClelland 
Class of 1981

Timothy McClelland
Class of 1978

Gayle Simons
Class of 1975

Special Posthumous Award
Gregg Brinkerhoff
Class of 1981

1999-2000 INDUCTEES

Mildred Artley
Class of 1934

Dr. S. John Dackawich
Class of 1942

Christine Murphy
Class of 1952

John Rouster
Class of 1959

Robert Thorne
Class of 1971

Special Posthumous Award
Herbert Robb
Honorary Graduate

1998-1999 INDUCTEES

Sandra Askew (Rady)
Class of 1957

Eileen DeHart (Johnson)
Class of 1966

Dr. Prince J. Eubanks
Class of 1973

Christopher A. Liedel
Class 1978

James L. Wertz
Class of 1982

Special Posthumous Award
Frank Cody
Class of 1886

1997-1998 INDUCTEES

Loren N. Bennett
Class of 1969

Samuel I. Durham, Jr. 
Class of 1970

Cathy Horste (Stromme)
Class of 1964

Ena L. Weathers
Class of 1980

Harlan D. Whichello
Class of 1963

Special Posthumous Award
Edna Genevieve Clark
Class of 1894