Dear Parents,

As I mentioned in my communication last week, I am providing you some information on our In-person Learning option, as well as, our B.O.S. (Belleville Online School) Program.

These will be the only two choices that are available for the 2021-2022 school year.  The Remote Learning option that we had last school year is no longer available due to pupil accounting regulations that reverted to pre-pandemic guidelines.

In-person Learning

  • Regular Schedule: 5 full days of school each week
  • All students will be automatically enrolled in In-person Learning.  You do not need to do anything to get a schedule/classroom assigned to you.
  • Masks optional for all students.  There will be times during the year where masks will be required due to increased positivity rate in our community or your child's school.
  • Masks will be optional for all staff that choose to show proof of vaccination.  Masks will be required for all staff that do not show proof of vaccination.
  • Masks will be REQUIRED on all buses.  They are currently required by law on all forms of public transportation.  School buses fall under this requirement.  We are only transporting students who have registered for transportation.  If you have not done so yet, please register here.
  • We will continue to disinfect using a sprayer in each classroom each night.
  • We will have smaller class sizes (in most classes) than we typically have to assist with social distancing and to help with any COVID-related learning loss.
  • Parents will be responsible to make sure that their child(ren) is not showing any COVID-19 symptoms prior to attending school each day.  The daily questionnaire/screener will not be required this year.  There could be a time when COVID-19 numbers are significant where we will be checking all student's temperature using a touchless thermometer each morning.  This will probably line up with a mandatory masking period.
  • Parents will be required to inform us of any COVID-19 positive test.  We will be required to conduct contact tracing again.  Students will be quarantined based on the current quarantining rules.
  • No parents or guests will be allowed in the buildings again this year.
  • We will follow the MHSAA for athletic guidance.  Currently, all athletics are going on, as usual, without restrictions.
  • No field trips will occur at the beginning of the school year.  We will reassess this throughout the school year.
  • Due to the pandemic, the US Department of Agriculture has allowed us to provide free lunch to all students through June 2022.  Please complete the Free/Reduced form here.
  • Remote Days are not allowed under the current school rules from the state.  That means that if we need to shut down a school for a period of time due to high COVID-19 numbers, the day(s) will need to be made up at the end of the year.

B.O.S. (you must sign up to be placed in this program)

  • Kindergarten - 12th Grade fully online program.
  • This is a semester commitment (through January 2022).
  • No live teacher.
  • Work at your own pace and at what time works best for you.
  • A Van Buren Public Schools employee will be assigned to you as a mentor.  This is to help you engage with the software and to help you stay on schedule.
  • Here is a link to get more detailed information.  This information is also on the BHS & District websites.
  • You need to complete this form to sign up for BOS.  The deadline is August 25th (in order to start on August 30)

I hope that this provides you with enough information to make your decision.  If not, please reach out to me or your building principal.

Pete Kudlak


Van Buren Public Schools