Phone: (734) 697-9123 x1010
Email: superintendent@vanburenschools.net

Debra McWilliams
Administrative Asst. to the Superintendent
Phone: (734) 697-9123 x1010
Email: dmcwilli@vanburenschools.net
Welcome to Van Buren Public Schools. We have an incredibly devoted and talented staff that works to provide the best educational experience for students.
As a full-service school district, we have comprehensive programming that includes our world-class music program, gifted and talented classes, numerous Advanced Placement courses, neighborhood elementary schools, 23 varsity sports teams, Belleville New Tech, as well as, a variety of pre-school options.
Our community has been extremely supportive of our schools. We are fortunate to have a new, high-tech high school that was designed to engage student learning in the 21st century. Our other seven buildings have all been recently renovated and updated to provide excellent learning spaces for our students.
As a community school district, we take pride in our relationship with the cities and townships that we represent. Students have the opportunity to interact and serve with community groups, local government, and service organizations.
Please contact me at superintendent@vanburenschools.net to set up a time to meet.

To ensure a safe, high-quality, and dynamic educational experience that empowers every student to reach their full potential.

To develop resilient learners who embody purpose, excellence, and achievement.

Holding ourselves to high expectations promotes greater achievement for all.
Students and staff thrive in a positive, safe and respectful learning environment.
Every student is capable of learning and leading in a variety of ways.
Varied learning opportunities are essential to the success of our students, staff, and community.
Curiosity and the love of learning drives achievement.
Education and leadership are enriched by embracing our diversity.
Family involvement is imperative for student success.