Are You Looking To Promote Healthy, Active Living?
Click the link to see how Shape Michigan is doing this through professional development and advocacy.

Fostering Success Michigan is a statewide collective impact initiative to increase postsecondary access and success and career attainment for youth with experience in foster care.

Being a teenager can be hard—and when a pandemic disrupts your normal routines, it can get a lot harder. You may feel disappointed, depressed, and anxious about the future. How about connecting with other teens from around the state to share your feelings and compare experiences? Register for a virtual support group designed especially for 14-to-17-years-olds, hosted by our Stay Well counseling team.
Sign up for one or more sessions. You’ll get a confirmation email with information to join the meeting.

The Corner Health Center has another great virtual program coming up for students. We will be incorporating Washtenaw County's #wishyouknew campaign and talk to youth about having difficult conversations.