AdvancEd Survey Results
Our Improvement Plans
Van Buren Public School District engages in a continuous improvement process. Stakeholders, including parents, students and staff, have meaningful dialogue about district and school-level processes that support student achievement. Thoughtful analysis of research-based indicators assist stakeholders in identifying system strengths and opportunities for improvement. This work informs our District and School Improvement Plans.
Van Buren Public Schools is accredited district-wide by AdvancED, the parent organization for multiple regional and international accrediting bodies, which accredits over 34,000 schools, representing more than 20 million students worldwide. A set of research-based standards, describing the conditions that are necessary for educational institutions to achieve quality student performance and organizational effectiveness, form the foundation of the accreditation process. Each year we survey our stakeholders with the goal of engaging our school community in two-way communications. The results help district and school leaders gain a deeper understanding of our district’s areas of strength and effectiveness, along with opportunities for improvement.