Van Buren Public Schools Education Foundation Announces the 2020-2021 Grant Winners:

Aaron Lang - BHS Robotics and 3D Printer
Kim Bargardi - Resource Information

Jason Strzalkowski - Demonstrating VBPS Excellence - Part 2
John Leroy - Celebrate McBride
Laura Maher - The Tiger Den - School Reward Room
Lori Hiller - Social Emotional Education
Stacy Flynn - Role Playing Games
Tina Peebles - Where does your food come from?
Tracy Delfuoco - Teen Advisory Board Book Cart
Wendy Bancroft - Use Your Brain to Escape

Cristen Belloni - Boys Read
Jason Salhaney - Who Needs Help?
Lauren Altenbernt - Digging Deeper With Our Readers
Steven Rohloff - Outdoor games

Cindy Jordan-Hands on/ Sensory Learning for Students with Autism
Debbie Gerst - Indoor Aero Garden for ASD students
Marva Hatcher - Boomwaker Fun
Vikki Kasperek - Get Outside and Play

Debby Cunningham - STEM
Deborah Mounsey - Bring Coding with Botley to First Grade
Dena Gyulveszi - Rawsonville Outdoor Games
Jaime Elgas - STEM/Coding K-2
Jessica Adelmann - SEL Classroom Reset
Kristina Brashear - Lego STEM sets
Lisa Stremer - Osmo Learners
Lisa Swingle - Reading is Magical at Rawsonville
Marva Hatcher - Chroma Note Excitement
Pauline Bianchi - Hands on Kindergarten!
Shandra Pettway - Carson Dellosa Chairback Buddy Pocket Charts
Tracy Bryant - Diverse Books for Black and Latino Boys
Virginia Hogg - STEAM Activities for Special Needs Students

Felecia Frederick - Flexible/Group Setting
Julie Dobek - Informational/Biography
Rebecca Tennis - Non Fiction Reading and Writing Boosters
Sarah Lang - Don’t Slam Your Cups!

Aleisa Pitt - Lights, Action, Camera
Alexandra Richardson - First Grade Readers are Leaders
Amy Morning - Culturally Reflective Classroom Libraries for Everyone
Elinor Rupnow - 6 pocket Chair Covers
Holly Sullivan - The Modern Classroom
Jane Ten Broeck - Eeeek! Osmo Monsters in the Art Room!
Janice Fidh - Social Distance Learning Supplies
Jennifer Kitchen - Collaboration after Covid
Laurie Kunz - Sacks for Sanity
Lori Puma - Classroom Resources
Madison Dagenais - Reading Rockstars
Nicole McCraight - Exploring Soc. St. through Non Fiction Texts
Sarah Taylor - Listening Library

Norma Richards - Rest Time Help

THANK YOU to the Van Buren Public Schools Education Foundation for all their time, dedication and hard work that went into making this happen and CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS!!!