Van Buren Pride Soccer Spring Registration
Please click the link below for more information and to register.
March is Reading Month Calendar
Thanks to our generous Edgemont Families, we were able to collect over 500 boxes of cereal for our Friday Fill Up Program! Way to go, Eagles!
2020-2021 Edgemont Yearbook
The McBride National Junior Honor Society is holding a fundraiser for TONS of Belleville Tiger merchandise.
Click this link to check it out:
The sale is going on for just 4 more days and wraps up on 2/21!
A message from Mr. Abel:
I have been getting a few questions regarding P-EBT, We don't have all of the information yet. This is clear, though, to be eligible families need to complete free/reduced lunch forms and have them on file at their schools.
This link will take you to a district site where you can fill out the form online.
You must know your Parent Portal login and password.
Here is a link to the MDHHS on Pandemic EBT,5885,7-339-71547_5527_104768---,00.html
Van Buren Area Little League
2021 Spring Registration
Virtual Edgemont Yoga Club
BE Church Food Pantry
Tomorrow's Wacky Wednesday theme is Sport's Team Day
Girl Scouts Information
Latest Issue of Van Buren Today - take a look at what is going on in Van Buren Township!
Wacky Wednesdays!
February 3rd- Sports Teams Day
(Superbowl is Feb. 7th)
February 10th- Red/Pink/Purple Day
(for Valentine’s Day)
February 17th- 100’s Day
Dress like a 100 year old or wear something with 100 items on it!
February 24th- Flannel Day
Every Friday is Edgemont Day!!
Wear Edgemont apparel or black/blue/white
Edgemont Lunch Menu - February
Edgemont Breakfast Menu - February
Edgemont February Newsletter
Menu change for lunch on Friday, January 22nd - lunch will now be cheeseburger and fries.
January Lunch Menu for Edgemont
The Edgemont Hungry Howie's Fundraiser scheduled for January 6th has been postponed due to a staff shortage. We will let you know when this date has been rescheduled. Thank you!
Our monthly Hungry Howie's fundraiser will take place on Wednesday, January 6th at the Belleville Road Hungry Howie's. Our school will receive 10% of all sales for that day! Please be sure to give your student's name so they can receive a free junior pizza for a future visit.