WEEK AT A GLANCE: 11/07- Virtual PTO Meeting @ 7 pm, Google Meet link- meet.google.com/myo-zpda-amo 11/08- No School, Election Day 11/09 thru 11/17- Fall Book Fair; get all the details here- tinyurl.com/rawbookfair 11/11- Fantastic Friday Meeting, Popcorn Day ($0.50 a bag) and end of the 1st marking period! COMING UP: 11/14- Wear BLUE for World Diabetes Day! 11/16- Wacky Wednesday, report cards go home and evening conferences (in-person @ 5-8 pm) 11/17- Half day (dismissal @ 12:31 pm), afternoon and evening conferences (virtual @ 1-4:30 and 5-8 pm), plus open Book Fair hours @ 1:30-4 and 5-7 pm! 11/18- Half day (dismissal @ 12:31 pm), Camp Out Friday and School Spirit Day! 11/22- Turkey Trot Fun Run with hot cocoa and "Lucky Charm Day" for Mileage Club (turkey charm)! 11/23 thru 11/27- No School, Thanksgiving Break 11/28- School resumes REMINDERS- Volunteers needed! If you'd like to help out in the school, you'll need to have a current background check on file. Just stop in at the office and Ms. Erin, or Ms. Jessica can walk you through the process. You can earn money for the school this year, by shopping on SchoolStore.com! Sign-up and your student can get a really cool participation prize! November newsletter- https://www.smore.com/q5z0k
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- Happy Sunday, Tigers! Join us for another Bedtime Story, as Mrs. Adelmann as she reads, "Armadillo Tattletale!" https://www.youtube.com/embed/mqkE8x2_gho
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- The Fall Book Fair starts one week from TODAY! Get all the details at: tinyurl.com/rawbookfair ! Info includes: dates, times, eWallet details, PLUS an online book fair option (where books get shipped right to your home)!
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- Reminder for tomorrow (Wednesday): It is an Early Release Day! Dismissal is at 2:04 pm. If your child is getting picked up, please remember to adjust your time accordingly. Thank you, Tiger Families!
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- Happy Halloween, Tigers! Join us for a spooky "Bedtime Story," as Mrs. Cunningham's 3rd grader reads the book, "10 Trick-or-Treaters!" https://www.youtube.com/embed/SJVj8rryLkU
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- Good Evening, Rawsonville Families! This is just a final reminder regarding tomorrow's festivities: -It's a half day (dismissal at 12:31 pm). If your child is getting picked up, please remember to adjust your time accordingly. -Students are welcome to wear "kid-friendly" costumes to school -No (fake) blood -No toy weapons -Please leave costume masks at home -The annual Candy Parade will start at 11:45 am Thank you for your support!
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- WEEK AT A GLANCE: Thru 11/03- PTO's Poppin Popcorn Online Fundraiser (supportmyfundraiser.org/register , group ID: 120099) 10/31- Annual Candy Parade and half day (dismissal @ 12:31 pm)! Important info about this day: -Students are welcome to wear "kid-friendly" costumes to school -No (fake) blood -No toy weapons -Please leave costume masks at home 11/02- Early Release Day (dismissal @ 2:04 pm) 11/04- Fantastic Friday Meeting, "Lucky Charm Day" for Mileage Club (leaf charm) and College Spirit Day! COMING UP: 11/07- Virtual PTO Meeting @ 7 pm (Google Meet link TBA) 11/08- No School, Election Day 11/09 thru 11/17- Fall Book Fair; get all the details here- tinyurl.com/rawbookfair 11/11- Fantastic Friday Meeting, Popcorn Day ($0.50 a bag) & end of the 1st marking period! 11/14- Wear BLUE for World Diabetes Day! 11/16- Wacky Wednesday, report cards go home & evening conferences (in-person @ 5-8 pm) 11/17- Half day (dismissal @ 12:31 pm), afternoon & evening conferences (virtual @ 1-4:30 & 5-8 pm), plus open Book Fair hours @ 1:30-4 & 5-7 pm! 11/18- Half day (dismissal @ 12:31 pm), Camp Out Friday & School Spirit Day! REMINDERS- You can earn money for the school this year, by shopping on SchoolStore.com! Sign-up and your student can get a really cool participation prize! October newsletter- https://www.smore.com/4vsmd
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
Good evening, The Fall 2022 School Parent-Teacher Conferences for our K-4 buildings will be held Wednesday, November 16 (In-Person) from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Thursday, November 17 (Virtually) from 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. and 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. You can sign up for a conference slot, virtual or in-person, at vbps.meettheteacher.com. Once you sign in, you will see each of the teachers for each of your students, as well as the ability to manually schedule conference times for your student. On the day of the conference, you need only sign back into that same website and begin the conferences that will be ready for you. If you need assistance, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Staci Russel at srussell@vanburenschools.net if you need additional assistance.
over 2 years ago, Jeffrey Moore
RES- Good Morning, Rawsonville Families! This is just a reminder regarding next week's festivities on October 31st: -It's a half day (dismissal at 12:31 pm) -Students are welcome to wear "kid-friendly" costumes to school -No (fake) blood -No toy weapons -Please leave costume masks at home -The annual Candy Parade will start at 11:45 am Thank you for your support!
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- DON'T FORGET! Rawsonville's Fall Festival Thursday, October 27th @ 6-7 pm Fall family fun, presented by our 2nd grade! Activities include: games, pumpkin judging contest, donuts, cider & more! $1 per person, students must be accompanied by an adult. Hope to see you there!
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- WEEK AT A GLANCE: Thru 11/03- PTO's Poppin Popcorn Online Fundraiser (supportmyfundraiser.org/register , group ID: 120099) 10/27- PBIS "Sharpen the Saw" Celebration (Boo-BINGO) and Fall Festival @ 6-7 pm ($1 per person and students must be accompanied by an adult) Do you plan on attending? Please fill out this super quick survey to let us know if you are ready for a night of Fall fun! https://forms.gle/TJu9dY4tfCYzfYEY6 10/28- "Camp-Out Friday" and School Spirit Day! Wear orange and black, your Tiger gear, or your Camp Rawsonville t-shirt! COMING UP: 10/31- Annual Candy Parade and Half Day (dismissal @ 12:31 pm)! Important info about this day: -Students are welcome to wear "kid-friendly" costumes to school -No (fake) blood -No toy weapons -Please leave costume masks at home 11/02- Early Release Day (dismissal @ 2:04 pm) 11/04- Fantastic Friday Meeting, "Lucky Charm Day" for Mileage Club (leaf charm) and College Spirit Day! 11/07- Virtual PTO Meeting @ 7 pm (Google Meet link TBA) 11/08- No School, Election Day 11/09 thru 11/17- Fall Book Fair; get all the details here- tinyurl.com/rawbookfair REMINDERS- You can earn money for the school this year, by shopping on SchoolStore.com! Sign-up and your student can get a really cool participation prize! October newsletter- https://www.smore.com/4vsmd
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- Happy Sunday, Tigers! The spooky season is upon us & our "Bedtime Story" series continues with a festive selection! Please join Mrs. Tibb's 2nd grader as he reads the book, "Clifford's Halloween!" https://www.youtube.com/embed/J17hMtivtkg
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- COMING SOON- FALL CONFERENCES! Wednesday, November 16th @ 5-8 pm Thursday, November 17th @ 1:30-4:30 and 5-8 pm In the next week, you will receive an email inviting you to schedule a 15 minute conference, through a website called "Meet the Teacher." This notification will come from the district, and not your child's teacher. You will have the option of an in-person OR virtual conference, and you must select your choice when you schedule your time. In addition, the Fall Book Fair will also be open during conferences, so stop by and make those last minute purchases before it closes at 7 pm on November 17th! We look forward to seeing you!
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- Good Afternoon, Rawsonville Families! This is just a reminder regarding the up-coming festivities on October 31st: -It's a half day (dismissal at 12:31 pm) -Students are welcome to wear "kid-friendly" costumes to school -No (fake) blood -No toy weapons -Please leave costume masks at home -The annual Candy Parade will start at 11:45 am -We are still looking for nut-free candy donations Thank you for your support!
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- Happy Sunday, Tigers! Our "Bedtime Story" series continues with a student reading! Please join Mrs. Hogg's 3rd grader as he reads the book, "Fall Festival!" https://www.youtube.com/embed/zOF7F2p28bU?t=22s
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- WEEK AT A GLANCE: Thru 11/03- PTO's Poppin Popcorn Online Fundraiser (supportmyfundraiser.org/register , group ID: 120099) 10/19- Tiger Art Contest ends & Wacky Wednesday! 10/21- No School COMING UP: Thru 11/03- PTO's Poppin Popcorn Online Fundraiser (supportmyfundraiser.org/register , group ID: 120099) 10/27- PBIS "Sharpen the Saw" Celebration (Boo-BINGO) & Fall Festival @ 6-7 pm ($1 per person & students must be accompanied by an adult) 10/28- "Camp-Out Friday" & School Spirit Day! Wear orange & black, your Tiger gear, or your Camp Rawsonville t-shirt! 10/31- Annual Candy Parade & Half Day (dismissal @ 12:31 pm)! 11/02- Early Release Day (dismissal @ 2:04 pm) REMINDERS- You can earn money for the school this year, by shopping on SchoolStore.com! Sign-up & your student can get a really cool participation prize! October newsletter- https://www.smore.com/4vsmd
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- Congratulations to our Terrific Tigers! These students have shown excellent leadership skills & have received our "Happy Camper of the Week" award! Way to go, students! It's a GREAT day to be a Tiger!
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- HALLOWEEN CANDY DONATIONS NEEDED! We are so excited about our annual Candy Parade, but we will need your help to make it a success again this year! Our Candy Parade is for all of our Rawsonville students & it's an event that is lots of fun & loved by both the students & staff! We are asking for candy donations. The candy must be small, individually wrapped & NUT-FREE. Candy donations can be sent to school with your child, or dropped off in the office. Please send all candy donations to school by October 26th, so we can sort them for delivery. Thank you for your help & support! *We are also looking for volunteers to pass out candy on this day! If you are interested, please stop by the office. You must have a current background check on file & Ms. Erin, or Ms. Jessica can help you through that process. Thanks!
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
RES- Looking for yummy gifts to give for the holidays? Or maybe even a dessert to bring for that special holiday dinner? PTO's Poppin Popcorn Online Fundraiser runs 10/13 thru 11/03! Get your shopping done early & get everything delivered to your home! The more you sell, the more prizes you earn AND the school earns profits to go towards assemblies, Mileage Club charms, and many other things for our students! Information packets will be going home Oct 12th, or 13th & you can find all the details there! Thanks for your support! supportmyfundraiser.org/register group ID: 120099
over 2 years ago, Rawsonville Tigers
Winter Indoor Flag Football registration is open! AGES PRE-K TO 8TH GRADE Indoors @ Schoolcraft College in Livonia. REGISTER BY OCT 26TH @ 9PM $109 ENROLLMENT FEE
over 2 years ago, Jason Strzalkowski
Indoor Winter Flag Football