Positive Behavior Intervention and Support, OR PBIS FOR SHORT!

The Elementaries have a school-wide proactive, team-based framework for creating and sustaining safe and effective schools. Emphasis is placed on prevention of problem behavior, development of pro-social skills, and the use of data-based problem solving for addressing existing behavioral concerns. School-wide PBIS increases the capacity of schools to educate ALL students utilizing research-based school-wide, classroom, and individualized interventions.
At Rawsonville, what does that mean to you and your student?
The program works on a color system.
Each student will start the day on green tiger paw.
The FIRST TIME the student does not meet an expectation, the student will receive a verbal warning and move to GREEN.
The SECOND TIME, they move to YELLOW and lose the classroom reward at the end of the day.
The THIRD TIME, they move to ORANGE and have to fill out a Think Sheet in a designated time-out area.
The FOURTH TIME, they move to RED. Parents will be called and/or a Classroom Behavior Note will be sent home. Students may be sent to a buddy teacher for a time-out.
Once a student has 3 of 5 school days on RED, they will get an ODR, or Office Discipline Referral, and be sent to the office. *Any conduct considered to have "intent to injure" will be an immediate ODR.

There are REWARDS!
Daily: Students who are on Green Tiger Paw, or Green receive a reward at the end of the day.
Weekly: Students will receive a reward based on the week's behavior.
Monthly: Students who met expectations and stay on Green for the entire month will receive the BIG MONTHLY REWARD!
What color were you on today?
Encourage your child to "stay on green" every day! When they tell you another color, talk about why they got on the color, and what they can do to "stay on green"!