Savage: 734-699-5050
Tyler: 734-699-5818
Email: pbradley@vanburenschools.net
Degrees and Certifications:
BS, MS and +30
Shine like a Superstar!
In my tenure with Van Buren Public Schools, I have taught at Savage, Haggerty, and Tyler Elementaries in 3rd grade, 4th grade, art, phys. ed., and library/technology. Born and raised in Belleville, I was a Savage Superstar as a kid! and graduated from BHS in 1991. My BS degree was earned at Eastern Michigan University, my Masters degree was earned at Marygrove College, and an additional 30 cr. hrs. were earned from Marygrove College. I’m looking forward to a great year and am very proud to be teaching in my home town.
Follow our adventures with books and technology on Twitter @mspambradley