Students in Ms. Altenbernt’s class have a lot to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at #TeamOwen
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Planning a thanksgiving meal #teamowen
about 7 years ago, Thomas Purcell
Planning a thanksgiving meal #teamowen
about 7 years ago, Thomas Purcell
Thank you to our #TeamOwen PTO & parent volunteers for supporting the 4th annual Turkey Trot Fun Run! Hot chocolate & smiles!
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
The 4th annual #TeamOwen Turkey Trot Fun Run is in full swing! Mr. Rohloff’s is hard at work cheering & motivating our kids!
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
#TeamOwen students enjoying their recess time to play some football.
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
#TeamOwen teachers received Chromebooks yesterday and are excited to explore how to use them in their instruction!
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
A BIG reminder to #TeamOwen families & friends that ordering pizza from #HungryHowies tonight & telling them your homeroom teacher’s name earns your favorite school extra $$$ and your family a great dinner!
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
#TeamOwen students presenring their accordion book from old Korean folklore.
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Who appreciates our #TeamOwen parents? Our staff! Thanks for saving the day by unloading both luggage trucks with us!
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Students in Mrs. Runyan’s class take notes on notebooks, laptops, and even the tables! #TeamOwen
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Today we honor our US veterans at #TeamOwen. To all our families & friends who have served, #TeamOwen offers our gratitude & appreciation.
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Working well With EMU
about 7 years ago, Thomas Purcell
#TeamOwen 5th grade students really got into their learning today!
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
#TeamOwen 6th grade campers got off to a early start today! More pictures and stories to come!
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Power has been restored to all buildings and school will resume on Monday, Nov. 13.
about 7 years ago, Stefanie Halliday
Parent / Teacher Conferences tonight from 5pm to 8pm at #TeamOwen!
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
#TeamOwen students are hard at work!
about 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Parent / teacher conferences at #TeamOwen are right now until 4pm! Come on out!
over 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Walking through the halls of #TeamOwen, you may once in awhile hear the gentle hum of the harmonica by a student.
over 7 years ago, Owen Intermediate