Students in Ms. Jones’s class are learning about the effect of heat and cold on the particles inside of a balloon. #ScienceRules
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Jones 3-11-19 1
Owen Tiger News For The Week Of March 10, 2019
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Tiger News 031019
Painting with a purpose
March is Reading Month is off to an amazing start at #TeamOwen! Students have already combined to read over 71,000 pages! Great job Owen students! Keep it up!
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
MIRM 3-8-2019
Interested in viewing our own Belle-Voxel-Bots and many other teams in the space-themed First Robotics Competition today? The competition starts at 10:30 a.m. and will stream live here:
almost 6 years ago, Stefanie Halliday
Owen’s Amazing PTO is meeting today and making plans to continue making #TeamOwen a better place to learn and grow!
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Owen PTO 3-7-2019
VBPS & BHS Team 6615, the Belle-Voxel-Bots, invite you to the First Robotics District Event this weekend at BHS. This family event is great introduction to science & technology. For updated info on this Deep Space themed event, check here:
almost 6 years ago, Stefanie Halliday
In 6th grade Exploration Classes! In Mrs. Miloser’s class, students are creating 3-Dimensional art!
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
3-D Art 3-6-2019
In 5th grade Exploration Classes today! Ms. Jones’ class is learning through a cool dice game about the survival of Mammoths in Michigan during the Ice Age!
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Mammoth 3-6-2019
Owen Tiger News For The Week Of March 3, 2019
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Tiger News 030319
Painting with a purpose
owen yearbook
March is Reading Month! Owen teachers are busy hand-picking books for each of their students’ personal libraries!
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Free books for students!
Bingo Night at #TeamOwen! Thank you PTO for donating prizes, selling concessions, and a fun night of playful games with Mrs. Sykes’ entertaining Bingo calling!
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Bingo 2-27-2019 2
Bingo 2-27-2019 1
Mr. Peace is visiting our #TeamOwen students and talking about a message of kindness, peace, and standing against bullying. #TeamOwen
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Peace 2 - 2-27-2019
Peace 1 - 2-27-19
6th Grade Owen Parents-The 6th Grade Parent Night at McBride will be on Thursday, February 28, following their visit to McBride with their teachers that day during school. The McBride counselor will visit Owen students this Friday during the school day.
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Owen Tiger News For The Week Of February 24, 2019
almost 6 years ago, Angela Mercer
Tiger News 22419
Painting with a purpose
6th grade transition activities
yearbook 2019
Owen Tiger News For The Week of February 17, 2019
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Tiger News 2/17/19
Thank you Owen Parents! The restrooms are awesome!
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
bathroom 3
bathroom 1
bathroom 4
bathroom 2
Hello Owen Tigers!!! Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and to show our excitement about returning to school after two snow days, let’s spread the love! Wear your pink, white or red with jeans, share a smile and your Owen pride!
almost 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Owen Valentine’s Day Pride!
Owen Winter Science Challenge-Calling All Scientists
almost 6 years ago, Angela Mercer
Winter Challenge
Owen Tiger News For The Week Of February 10, 2019
almost 6 years ago, Angela Mercer
Tiger News 02/10/19
Candy Gram
Discount Cards
Food Drive
Due to the extreme weather we have been experiencing over the last two weeks, the second report card marking was extended. Reports will go home with students on Friday, February 8, 2019.
about 6 years ago, Owen Intermediate School