Owen English/Language Arts (ELA) teachers are collaborating today on building effective ways to teach and assess the #TeamOwen ELA curriculum!
over 5 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Owen ELA PD 8-28-2019
All the teachers and staff in the Van Buren Public Schools are listening to and learning about stories and how each of our stories and our students' stories can connect us, our experiences, and make an impact on our teaching and student learning! Thank you @TrevorMuir!
over 5 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Muir 8-28-2019
It’s a packed house for families to get information about 6th grade camp.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Welcoming our families to Owen Open House.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Talking about what we have to offer for our families.
Scavenger hunt time!
Activities for the kids.
Checking out the classrooms.
Learning about PBIS and how to strengthen our program at Owen.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Chris McEvoy, from RESA, presenting to the Owen staff.
Working hard to build our OWEN team!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Who will escape?
We are so excited to have our Owen Staff back! We are getting ready for the 2019-2020 school year. Welcome back!
over 5 years ago, Angela Mercer
Second wave of students are coming in. Can’t wait to meet them.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Smiling faces. We love to see that!
Brand new to Owen.
Remember opening your first locker? #TeamOwen
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Working hard to get it right.
Right, left, right.....
Don’t forget 5th Owen students can still pick up schedules today from 12:30- 3:00 pm. Don’t hesitate. Come meet us.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Look how excited they are!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Big smiles.
It’s a great day to be a TIGER at Owen Elementary.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
The best and brightest.
#TeamOwen Staff is ready and present for duty.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Who needs a schedule?  These guys will help you out.
Fresh 5th grade Owen Intermediate School students.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
I’m in!
Me too!
I’m new, but ready to learn!
Who’s in at Owen Intermediate?
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Time for a new adventure.
Getting ready to pick up his new schedule.
New and returning students at Owen intermediate! Ready to work!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Who is ready to learn?
Mr. Salhaney, the new principal, can’t wait to meet all the students and families this Friday and Monday at orientation! Go Tigers!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Welcome Back Owen Tigers!
over 5 years ago, Owen Intermediate
tiger news
2019-2020 Registration Information
over 5 years ago, Owen Intermediate
2019-2020 Registration
The staff at Owen want to make sure that we thank our bus drivers and transportation staff for keeping our students safe on the roads all year long! Have a great summer Bus Drivers, Mechanics, and Transportation Staff!
over 5 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Bus 6-11-2019 1