Get your hair ready for CRAZY Hair Day on Thursday! Let's see your spirit. #TeamOwen
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Our 1st 5th grade Activity Afternoon! Basketball, food, fun, singing, dancing, Tiger Den and more. Thanks Owen PTO and staff for supervising.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Gaga ball
Don't forget to help celebrate Belleville's Homecoming Week. Tomorrow is MisMatched Day at Owen Intermediate.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Tomorrow is Pajama Day! Remember you must follow the dress code.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Think about it....#TeamOwen Thanks Mr. Thompson.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Kid President
Spirit Week in Support of Belleville Homecoming! Tomorrow is Michigan Vs. Michigan State. Wear the colors of your favorite team.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Owen is celebrating BHS Homecoming by showing our spirit #TeamOwen
over 5 years ago, Owen Intermediate
spirit week
Intramurals at Owen are a point of pride! This week was learning to play the piano with Ms. Courter.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
What else should we do on a Thursday afternoon? Play Air Force Football with Mr. Rohloff!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Our ELA and Social Studies Curriculum Night is tomorrow, Oct.3 from 6-7 pm. Featured Event: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader. Bring the family. #TeamOwen
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Positive school climates not only minimize unnecessary suspensions and expulsions, but also reduce disorder in the classroom and bolster learning.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Come check out our clothes closet. Everyone is welcome. Great selection. #TeamOwen
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Stop in.
Hey Families, did you know it is National Hispanic Heritage Month? This is a great time to visit the library! Here’s a link for a local event!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Count Day is tomorrow. Please have your child in school! We look forward to seeing them!
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Thank you Dr. Rice, State Superintendent for touring our school today and presenting us with an award for our library! #TeamOwen. Also to Representative Pagan and Mr Richards for accepting the Model Library Award.
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Dr. Rice
Representative Pagan
Mr. Richards
Happy Friday! What are your plans for the weekend? #TeamOwen
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Who loves playing math games? Mr. Harding and Mr. Hoskins do! Learning with the family is exceptional! We love our Owen families! #TeamOwen
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
Math and Science Curriculum Night is in full swing. Watch our students create slime and use their sense of “touch” in the Fear Factor laboratory. #TeamOwen
over 5 years ago, Mr. Salhaney
One of the our pride points at #TeamOwen is our intramural program where students can stay after school, free of charge, until 5:20pm doing a teacher-supervised activity. From sports to hobbies, all activities are welcome. This week Mrs. Falk is hosting a @Lego challenge!
over 5 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Falk 1 9-25-2019
Falk 2 9-25-2019
Take a look at the work that our #TeamOwen students did in Mrs. Kapcia's social studies class! Murals Across America #Art #ArtAppreciation #ArtInSocialStudies
over 5 years ago, Owen Intermediate
Kapcia 1 9-25-2019
Kapcia 2 9-25-2019
Kapcia 3 9-25-2019
Kapcia 4 9-25-2019