Get your hair ready for CRAZY Hair Day on Thursday! Let's see your spirit. #TeamOwen
Our 1st 5th grade Activity Afternoon! Basketball, food, fun, singing, dancing, Tiger Den and more. Thanks Owen PTO and staff for supervising.
Don't forget to help celebrate Belleville's Homecoming Week. Tomorrow is MisMatched Day at Owen Intermediate.
Tomorrow is Pajama Day! Remember you must follow the dress code.
Think about it....#TeamOwen Thanks Mr. Thompson.
Spirit Week in Support of Belleville Homecoming! Tomorrow is Michigan Vs. Michigan State. Wear the colors of your favorite team.
Owen is celebrating BHS Homecoming by showing our spirit #TeamOwen
Intramurals at Owen are a point of pride! This week was learning to play the piano with Ms. Courter.
What else should we do on a Thursday afternoon? Play Air Force Football with Mr. Rohloff!
Our ELA and Social Studies Curriculum Night is tomorrow, Oct.3 from 6-7 pm. Featured Event: Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader. Bring the family. #TeamOwen
Positive school climates not only minimize unnecessary suspensions and expulsions, but also reduce disorder in the classroom and bolster learning.
Come check out our clothes closet. Everyone is welcome. Great selection. #TeamOwen
Hey Families, did you know it is National Hispanic Heritage Month? This is a great time to visit the library! Here’s a link for a local event!
Count Day is tomorrow. Please have your child in school! We look forward to seeing them!
Thank you Dr. Rice, State Superintendent for touring our school today and presenting us with an award for our library! #TeamOwen. Also to Representative Pagan and Mr Richards for accepting the Model Library Award.
Happy Friday! What are your plans for the weekend? #TeamOwen
Who loves playing math games? Mr. Harding and Mr. Hoskins do! Learning with the family is exceptional! We love our Owen families! #TeamOwen
Math and Science Curriculum Night is in full swing. Watch our students create slime and use their sense of “touch” in the Fear Factor laboratory. #TeamOwen
One of the our pride points at #TeamOwen is our intramural program where students can stay after school, free of charge, until 5:20pm doing a teacher-supervised activity. From sports to hobbies, all activities are welcome. This week Mrs. Falk is hosting a @Lego challenge!
Take a look at the work that our #TeamOwen students did in Mrs. Kapcia's social studies class! Murals Across America #Art #ArtAppreciation #ArtInSocialStudies