Hotline Flyer

Van Buren Public Schools will be providing a non-emergency emotional-support line to assist our students and families during COVID-19 closure of schools.  Counseling staff, School Social Workers and School Psychologists will be on call to assist students and families that may be experiencing anxiety, fear or stress during this time.  The hotline will be monitored weekdays from 8:00-4:00 and professional staff will respond to a call within 2 hours. If a call is made before or after hours, it will be returned the next day or if made over the weekend, it will be returned on Monday.  If it is an emergency situation, please call 911. 

If you utilize the emotional support line,  leave a message including your name, child's name, school building(s), phone number, and if you choose, the reason for your call.

To access the crisis line, please call 810-279-0533 or email

It is the commitment of Van Buren Public Schools to support our students and families to the best of our ability during the COVID-19 closure of schools.