McBride Cross Country had its first home meet against Frost Middle School yesterday afternoon. The boys and girls both posted impressive times, running a 2 mile course in beautiful Van Buren Park. If you love running or have questions about Cross Country, please see Coach Slayton!

Important Message from The Athletic Department: All Belleville High School students (and opponents High School students) will need to present their Student ID when purchasing a ticket to HOME football games for the remainder of the season. In addition, any student/child under High School age MUST be accompanied by an adult in order to be allowed admission into HOME football games for the remainder of the season. Thank you for your cooperation and GO TIGERS!

These are the rockstars who have joined the Van Buren Public Schools instructional staff for the 2022-2023 school year.
Go Tigers!

2022 McBride Football Calendar
If you have not completed a physical you will not be able to participate.
Physical forms are DUE by August 29th, 2022
Physicals must be dated after April 15th, 2022

McBride Cross Country will have their first practice on August 29 from 4-5pm at McBride. You must have a physical dated on or after 4/15/22 in order to be allowed to practice. Please email Coach Slayton at aslayton@vanburenschools.net if you have any questions. Thank you.

Great Lakes Flag Football is here for both boys and girls ages 4-14, and registration is ending on 8/31. Want to find out more? Go to greatlakesflagfootball.com to find out!

McBride Football first practice is Monday, August 29 3-5pm at McBride. You must have a current physical (dated 4/15/22 or after) in order to be allowed to practice. Thank you!

Fall 2022 McBride VolleyBall Tryouts
September 8th
3:15pm - 5:00pm

BHS Volleyball is hosting a volleyball clinic for all 3rd through 8th graders on Saturday August 13th.
Reach out to sigonin13@gmail.com if you have questions!

BHS Soccer Conditioning starts next week! Practices are at Quirk Park while the BHS football field is being reconditioned.
Questions or more info? Reach out to Coach Brian Rupnow at brupnow@vanburenschools.net

The BHS Volleyball teams are also running a clinic on August 13th with more details to follow. Parents can follow the BHS Volleyball Facebook page @BHSTigersVolleyball for updates on trainings, tryouts, and the clinic.

There will be in informational meeting for those interested in trying out for the 2022-23 Cheer team next Thursday, June 9th at 5pm. If you have questions please email Coach Elgas at jelgas@washtenawisd.org

It is highly recommended that any student-athlete that plans to participate in a Fall Sport at BHS during the 2022-23 school year get your physical completed and turned in to the Belleville High School Athletic Office before Summer Break begins. Tryouts for all Fall Sports begin on August 8 which is approximately a month before school even starts. Physicals from this past 2021-22 school year are TOO OLD and you will NOT be allowed to participate on August 8 unless you have the new one on file. Thank you and GO TIGERS!

Interesting in seeing some of the McBride Middle School student artwork pieces from the VBPS Student Art show?
Click here to see more: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vT46yXhqsnSNFdpiqvIy3fu1IPDvV3GhWKRsp-enEkiBczA38vEQ3f5F1E0jM9ALkevzPtvi62mrT2E/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000

Owen Students are ready to explore McBride Middle School!

Officer Wickfield is giving Mystery at Shady Acres 2 thumbs up! Come on out to McBride on Thursday or Friday at 6:00 or Saturday at 12:00 to catch this hilarious mystery!

Come on out and enjoy a show at McBride Middle School! Mystery at Shady Acres April 28 & 29 at 6:00 and April 30 at 12:00.

The McBride Science Olympiad Fundraiser is just about to close, but anyone willing still has a few days left to help them meet their goals:
Buy a T-Shirt to help support them by clicking on this link: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/mcbride-middle-school-science-olympiad?utm_campaign=desktop-post-launch-v3&utm_content=mcbride-middle-school-science-olympiad&utm_medium=social&utm_source=copy-link
Questions? Reach out to Ms. Gray at McBride for more information.

The McBride Science Olympiad team had a great showing over the weekend!

McBride's Science Olympiad is holding a fundraiser to purchase build kids. Buy a T-Shirt to help support them by clicking on this link:
Questions? Reach out to Ms. Gray at McBride for more information.