Character Dress-Up Day at Preschool, here are some of the staff.
New Early Childhood Center of VBPS. 71 Days until we move. Can I get a Woot! Woot!
Ms. Elsner's AM class. Thank you Ms. Pinter!!
Ms. Simone Pinter, School Board member, donated pumpkins to our ECP classrooms. Here is Ms. Elsner's PM class decorating them. Thank you Ms. Pinter
Ms. Newman's classroom wacky hair day.
Wacky Hair Day
More Wacky Hair
Pajama Day in Ms. Nystrom's class
Crazy Hair Day continues....
Crazy Hair Day in Ms. Taylor's class.
Wacky Hair Day at Preschool. Here are some staff.
October is Kindness month. Celebrate random acts of kindness to one another.
Kindness Month at Haggerty.......Thank you for random acts of kindness.
Appointments are needed for family assistance during the holiday season.
Trunk or Treat at WCCC.
Random Acts of Kindness Month at Haggerty. This student is making "spooky" cupcakes for a family get-together. He dyed the icing and did the toppings all on his own! WTG!
Haggerty's October Activity is Acts of Kindness. Listen to this song from Sesame Street- Try a Little Kindness: or try some of the activities in this post. We'd love pictures of your family playing a game, making a meal or doing chores. Email photos to
Spirit Week at Haggerty Preschool
October is Acts of Kindness Month at Haggerty. Need inspiration? Check out this picture of a student making a gift for his teacher. Also, here is a link to The Kindness Book-
More families enjoying our September Scavenger Hunt! The October Family Activity is Acts of Kindness. Watch for information in your child's backpack this week.