Looking forward to seeing our families on September 5th. See our events calendar for information for your specific program.
Let us know your thoughts on changing school colors and mascots for Owen & McBride https://goo.gl/forms/4dhRGubTUpy5E8AP2
Our raffle basket for the June 1st Education Foundation Bowling Fundraiser. To attend or get more information call 734-697-7151.
We are looking for a full time position for a mechanic/ courier. Apply at https://www.applitrack.com/resa/onlineapp/jobpostings/view.asp?district=1771&category=Maintenance%2FCustodial
Hello Haggerty Preschool Families. Please help us make our programs better by taking this short survey! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/R9YGYV5
Yum, root beer floats!
Getting creative with blocks!
More activities celebrating the week of a young child.
Celebrating week of the young child.
Mrs. Beth is showing the kids how to make slime, celebrating Dr. Seuss's Birthday!
Kindergarten/Preschool Roundup schedule for-March 20, 6-8pm-Tyler
March 21, 6-8pm-Savage
March 27, 6-8pm-Edgemont
March 28, 6-8pm-Rawsonville
Our GSRP staff would love to meet with you if you have a four year old and reside in our district. GSRP is based on income and program eligibility. Stop by, meet with our friendly staff for a quick screening to see if you qualify.
Try Tongue Twisters to instill a love of reading with children of all ages.
The Raising Readers session at Belleville High School Commons is underway. There will be a book raffle at 7:30. Come join the fun!
Van Buren Public Schools are CLOSED due to inclement weather.
Good news! Haggerty's heat has been restored. School will be open & all programs will report tomorrow Wednesday, January 10th.
Haggerty School will be closed Monday, January 8, 2018 due to building problems. No programs will report.
The Van Buren Public Schools Administration Building will be closed for the entire Winter Break (12/25 - 1/5)
Haggerty's Winter Sing-a-long 🎼
Preschool families making "busy bags" to keep children occupied with fine motor skills, literacy, and numeracy activities.